How Can You Save 80% of Changeover time with SMED?

SMED is a method of analyzing processes to provide a basis for optimization to save up to 80% of changeover time.



What is the Meaning of SMED?

SMED is an acronym for Single, Minute, Exchange, and Die.

SMED Signification

Single, Minute, Exchange, and Die can be understood as a metric of change per minute. More realistically speaking, we often hear the term “single digit”, which signals a single number format like 1, 4, 8, etc... Therefore, this is a tool to measure change in less than 10 units. This can be 9 seconds, 9 minutes, or 9 hours; dependent on the intensity of change which is implemented. In all cases, the goal is the same, it is to reduce the lead time it takes to change a tool, and the time it takes to move from point A to point B.

How is SMED Implemented in the Lean Toolbox?

Lean methodologies can be schematically represented in the form of a house made up of several building blocks that harmonize with one another with a similar end goal, which is to better serve customers and meet their expectations more effectively.

Schéma maison Lean

This house shaped representation of lean by popularized by the Toyota Motor Corporation, which is one of the reasons it is referred to as the “Toyota House”. The basic tools that ensure the stability of the house are found at the base of the structure, acting as a bedrock for the entire methodology.

The Fundamentals

When incepting Lean methods, these approaches must be put in place as a priority to ensure good stability for the rest of the given procedures. These fundamentals include:

  • The 5S Methodology - ensures a clear, clean, and organized work environment.
  • The Gemba or commonly known as the Gemba Walk– ensures a good knowledge of the situation within operations.
  • Visual Management – allows clear and effective communication through the use of visual indicators.
  • Problem Solving – allows stakeholders to intercede as quickly and as effectively as possible to resolve any problem that may appear.

The Quality Pillar

Once the fundamentals are in place, building the quality pillar ensures the best possible production quality and makes all production processes more robust. This includes:

  • Jidoka– improves product quality by detecting defects during the manufacturing process.
  • Poka Yoke – avoids errors in product use.
  • QRQC – helps ensure production quality and compliance by eliminating problems proactively.
  • Red Bin – allows better monitoring of subpar products and attempts to reduce these types of products overall.

The Flexibility Pillar

Once the fundamentals and quality pillars are in place, we can start constituting the “flexibility” pillar. This pillar makes it possible to better adapt to customer demand. This includes:

  • Takt Time – assists in determining the best production time according to customer needs.
  • Kanban – allows just in time production by providing timely information to operators/workers/managers and does not place a large overload on individuals.
  • SMED – allows the effective response and feedback to customers in relation to time required.
  • TPM – improves efficiency rates of production machines through maintenance and TLC.

The SMED Methodology

The SMED method is a methodology for alterations changing within production. Today, product manufacturing is generally very diversified and customizable, which makes it necessary to switch production from product A to that of product B.

Schema de la perte d'efficacité avec un changement de série

To achieve this, it is necessary to have some down time within the production/factory line. This generally leads to an idle time, which is a time in which the machine is not producing. This “idle time” is called Muda, a French word that translates to “waste”. To achieve excellence in production, Muda requires elimination or minimization. IN the traditional context, this idle/down time can be broken down into several stages:

  • Preparing the machine
  • Changing the tool
  • Adjusting the machine in accordance with the new tool
Mesure du temps SMED

The SMED time is calculated between the production of the last acceptable A product and the first acceptable B product. This method analyzes this sequence of tasks and then identifies the sources of progress, allowing the reduction of these less productive times.

Etapes de l'optimisation avec le SMED

Increasing Administrative Processes Using the Lean Office

  • Observation Phase – understanding how the tool change is going and listing all the operations sequentially.
  • Operation Classification – both internal and external operations are identified. Internal operations refer to operations which can’t be performed while machines/equipment are stationary. External operations are operations that can be done during this downtime.
  • Convert Internal Operations to External Operations – an attempt should be made to convert as many internal operations as possible into external operations by showing organization and sequential methodologies.
  • Internal Time Reduction – if internal to external conversion is not possible, internal times should be reduced as much as possible. The ideal scenario is to simplify or eliminate internal times.
  • External Time Reduction – with unnecessary internal times removed and other reduces, it is ideal to achieve a new optimized downtime as compared to the prior downtime.

Applying the SMED on a Macro Level

SMED tools are used within a team. All members must be involved and understand the process in order to make necessary suggestions. Stakeholder collaboration is necessary, and lone the team is typically trained in the SMED method. Throughout the training, usage of the SMED training game is ideal; it assists each member of the team to understand the process and take a proactive approach.
Once the team is trained, we can apply the 5 steps of the SMED method. This application should be verified and monitored to ensure that it works properly. It is recommended that a PDCA worksite board is used, mainly for Visual Management.

Etapes macro du SMED
Discover our products to implement SMED

Benefits and Limitations of SMED


The application of the SMED methodologies allows for the following benefits:

  • Reduction of downtime
  • Making small series production more economic and feasible
  • Reducing stock and gaining storage/production real estate
  • Increasing machine capacity
  • Reducing investment and production costs
  • Improving responsiveness and customer service by reducing the process execution time (leadtime)

Indirect Benefits include:

  • Improvement of working conditions
  • Productivity gain by looking for Muda
  • Financial Gain

Limits and Risks

The main risk of the SMED method is misunderstanding implementation. Indeed, the SMED method is poorly applied, stakeholders tend to implement to go very quickly. This can generate safety risks and stress for operators. This can also be counterproductive as safety at work is reduced and increased stress among operators can generate work slowdowns incompatible with overall well-being at the workplace. On the contrary, although the goal of the SMED method is to save time, this time should not be saved by working faster, rather by working more efficiently.

Jeu de formation méthode TPM

Game Training for the SMED Method

Fun E-Learning Game for Professionals

Duration: 2 hours to 2.5 hours

Participants discover and become aware of the possibilities for improvement and the virtues of an analysis of the organizational process.

Don’t wait any longer to train your employees in SMED through play.

The Starter Kit Worksite Case: Instant and simple creation of an SMED monitoring table as part of a pilot project following the game.

Results – a collective, shared, and effective success.



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