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In business, safety is one of the major concerns of managers and the employer. Per OSHA regulations, employers are required by law to take all necessary measures to ensure and protect the physical and mental health of their employees. In addition, employers must implement all solutions necessary to prevent workplace accident risks. Not just reducing risks, but preventing them as much as possible. Risk prevention has additional benefits for the employer. First, workplace accidents are expensive for the company and can disrupt production. Second, it can lead to absences. Third, operators that are healthy and not at risk of being injured are more productive and more efficient.
Many companies have clearly understood the issue of workplace safety: they don’t just implement short term measures; they also apply longer term risk prevention by implementing ergonomics. Ergonomics can be applied at the production level, with factory ergonomics, but also at the office level, with office ergonomics.
The ISO 7010 standard entered into force on January 1, 2014. It harmonizes graphical hazard and safety signs internationally. All manufacturers of hazard and safety pictograms around the world must use the same model. The ISO 7010 standard mainly covers safety signs intended for accident prevention as well as for evacuation.
This global harmonization through ISO 7010 standards provides more coherence and universal recognition of signals by employees and the public. It guarantees an understandable message by everyone, no matter their language. Safety signage covered by ISO 7010 standards is particularly suitable for locations where several nationalities rub shoulders, ranging from corporations to public places.
Thanks to ISO 7010 standards, all employees are faced with the same symbols and colors with regard to fires, first aid, evacuation, dangers, prohibitions and obligations.
Workplace employee safety requires the employer to post safety signage. Displaying hazard and safety signs can take many forms. Safety procedures can be displayed with document holders, ceiling and eye-level signage, and safety pictograms.
These signs display instructions, obligations or prohibitions clearly and visually. In addition, since these are pictograms, the message is assimilated more quickly than with text, regardless of age or language barrier. Displaying these pictograms at key and strategic locations in your workplace is one of the prerequisites for implementing an effective workplace safety policy. At SESA SYSTEMS, the strict application of security measures is one of our priorities. This is why we have developed a full range of compliant safety pictograms that you can display. You can find these pictograms in our catalog’s industrial safety category, or by visiting our showroom. We also use them ourselves in our manufacturing plant.
A picture is worth a thousand words ... The magnetic pictogram associated with a sign is a simple, universal and effective way to get your message across. For more individual awareness, think of the Visioflash Safety Mirror. These SAFETY magnetic plates with mirror effect are customizable. They raise the awareness of all staff members in a simple way. Simplicity is always more effective!