
Achieving zero flaws with Poka-Yoke

The Poka-Yoke is part of the concept of zero defects that we owe to Toyotism. Shigeo Shingo first used it in the 60s. It is then used to complete the Just-in-Time (JIT) method, which is purely statistical but difficult to apply. Poka-Yoke focuses on human error, failures in production processes and their prevention.



Prevent any risk of occurring with poka-Yoke

The 6 Sigmas method, which aims to produce a flawless product, often seems difficult to achieve. However, the "anti-error" predictive device that is the Poka-Yoke (or "deceiver") now makes it possible to envisage the opposite. A true vector of Lean Management, this new production tool makes it possible to drastically reduce quality costs. The latter are indeed absent, which contributes to the optimization of the means of production.

L'organisation Poka-Yoke dans un atelier

The Poka-Yoke and how it works

The term defines the anticipation of potential defects during a manufacturing process. In concrete terms, this method serves either as a tool for the prevention of defects themselves or as a means of extremely rapid removal of the latter.

Poka-Yoke is for both computerized systems and more complex machines. The goal is always to prevent any human error from occurring.

The 5 steps of Poka Yoke:

  • Identification: This is to recognize the potential vectors of error in a process.
  • Analysis: This step aims to find an explanation for the failure of a process.
  • Definition: a solution must be found to define a method to be applied to compensate for the defect encountered.
  • Experimentation: this step is essential and confirms the validity of the solution found.
  • Training/Prevention: employee training prevents the recurrence of an error or defect in the future.
  • Fonctionnement Poka-Yoke

Several types of Poka Yoke in the industry:

  • 1: Alert

    If an operator does not perform all the necessary manipulations, he is informed immediately.

  • 2: Sequential

    If operators do not comply with a constraint, then they are notified of the failure and the process is paused until a fix is applied.

  • 3: Contact

    The error is spotted as soon as the product has any physical contact with a tool that makes it possible to determine its physical characteristics (weight, shape, etc.).

The benefits and risks of Poka-Yoke

The benefits that Poka-Yoke can bring are quite significant. Especially in the field of Lean Manufacturing and as a management tool.

Indeed, it makes it possible to analyze all the stages of a production process in a fast and automated way to process them quickly, if necessary. It also becomes possible to identify an order of priority in the treatment of possible defects. This organization, particularly valuable in logistics, makes it possible to streamline and secure the entire activity. And finally, the company can then make a significant financial profit, due to the savings made given the lower presence of quality controls.

But there are also several things to keep in mind. A Poka-Yoke type of management must be benevolent towards the operators since human error is at the heart of the concerns. In addition, if the 4 steps are not scrupulously applied in order, the Poka-Yoke loses all its interest.

Discover our QRQC tools for integrating Poka-Yoke into production

Examples of Poka-Yoke

The applications are numerous and can be declined to several very different sectors/products:

  • Vehicles with a gearbox, which can lock itself in certain situations.
  • Example: stationary car.

  • Electrical outlets, often having a safety device.
  • Example: existence of socket covers, double insulation.

  • In the industrial environment, to ensure safety.
  • Example: carpets near dangerous machines that cause them to stop if you step on them.



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