Group game | SECURITY game

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  • This method allows the training of all staff.
  • Intuitive training game to be played in a group.
  • Training package easy to set up on site at the desired time.
  • Approach for better risk management and PPE management.
As low as €495.00
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Technical characteristics

Interesting and fun, this learning through play method promotes everyone's involvement with maximum efficiency.
It allows each person to discover the need to implement new evidence and makes it easier to transpose them in their professional everyday lives.
The realisation that everyone is responsible for improving safety comes naturally.
Principle of the training
Average duration: 1.5-2 hours
The participants familiarise themselves with the safety approach by analysing actual dangerous situations and become experts in PPE and the relationship between injuries and PPE.

  • 6 operating modes are already included in the game box (code 810111) and digital animation on USB key
More Information
Product Name Group game | SECURITY game
SKU 137
Weight (kg) 1 kg
Application Formation||Sécurité
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