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  • This method allows the training of all staff.
  • Intuitive training game to be played in a group.
  • Training package easy to set up on site at the desired time.
  • Approach to reduce stocks and improve flows.
As low as €495.00
Price excluding tax:

Subject to available stock

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Technical characteristics

The LEAN approach provides a method to learn how to better manage your company.
• It is based on techniques and tools (KANBAN, KAIZEN, 5S, TPM, SMED, VSM, Taktime, etc.) which provide a better vision and understanding and make it possible to eliminate the root causes of problems in the interest of evolving.
• It involves all personnel.
Principle of the training
Average duration: 2.5 hours
The participants seek solutions to improve the existing operating flows in the management of a restaurant.

  • 6 operating modes are already included in the game box (code 810061) and digital animation on USB key
More Information
Product Name Group game | LEAN MANUFACTURING GAME
SKU 132
Weight (kg) 1 kg
Application Lean Manufacturing||Formation
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2500 products
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