Discover Industry 4.0. and its applications in production

Visual factory

Visual Management and Industry 4.0

Visual management makes it possible to know in an activity area whether the situation is normal or abnormal. The aim is to quickly visualize the relevant indicators of a department or workshop in order to be able to manage the different activities efficiently.
Updating visual management charts requires a lot of data to be constantly updated and a lot of time and energy.

At SESA SYSTEMS, we are convinced that Industry 4.0 represents a must for the company of tomorrow. This is why we have chosen to dedicate a range of products entirely dedicated to digital visual management and to the screens we select for off-road use.
Discover all these solutions during our webinars.

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Several complementary solutions to integrate the factory of the future

The factory of the future is a clever mix of Internet-connected objects (more generally called IOT, for Internet of Things) and robotics. The innovations are very concrete, from computer-assisted production, to augmented reality, 3D printing or cyber security, the applications are multiple and cover all aspects of the industry. The challenge for companies today is to be able to keep pace with these innovations and integrate them into their processes, whether industrial or managerial. On this last point, Digital Visual Management is more and more popular in companies.

Digital Visual Management, a digital evolution of Visual Management

Management Visuel Digital

With the factory of the future and its innovations, visual management in its classic sense seems to be ill-adapted to these new technologies. Digital Visual Management is therefore the digital counterpart of "old-fashioned" visual management. Concretely in companies, these innovations manifest themselves through connected screens and communicating software, capable of synthesizing and displaying different indicators to help decision-making.

How to choose the right screens?

SESAHUB structures and organizes a network of instant and permanent communication and exchange, all meetings are animated with a chain of interactive screens:

How to structure visual management with fast, fluid and reactive indicators?

One of the most important aspects of visual management is the ability to display and manage indicators to facilitate decision making. The indicators to be displayed depend on the sector of your company, but SESA SYSTEMS has developed a platform that allows you to display them all in the same place and in real time: SESAHUB

SESAHUB, a platform dedicated to the collection and dissemination of information in real time

SESAHUB is the latest software innovation from SESA SYSTEMS, it is a universal platform dedicated to the collection of real time information and the dissemination of indicators for digital displays. Perfectly compatible with the connected screens, this platform is composed of 9 modules.

E-LEANBOARD Application

  • Dashboard

    The dashboard module is used to control the indicators. This module provides a simple and visual representation of key performance indicators so that users can make quicker informed decisions based on real-time information.

  • Documents

    As a part of a paperless approach, this module is ideal for facilitating access to the technical documentation (manuals, procedures, diagrams) necessary for product design. The management of technical documentation is linked to good information control in companies.

  • Meetings

    This module is used to quickly share the latest minutes, agenda, schedule and stay up to date with the latest decisions to act quickly and meet the goal. All company reports will be accessible in one place to facilitate your research and better collaboration with team members.

  • Maintenance

    The industrial maintenance module, whose purpose is to ensure the proper functioning of production tools, is a strategic function in companies because it allows the planning of maintenance actions on a machine or an area with detailed descriptions of maintenance.

  • Project Management

    It is an approach aimed at organising the smooth running of a project. Organisation and planning contribute to the strategic management of your company. The project management, associated with SESAHUB, allows you to carry out your project management and to control the risk management with success.

  • Slideshow

    Internal communication messages are numerous and it is sometimes difficult to communicate well on all subjects (events, works councils, internal developments, customer achievements, etc.) with traditional displays. Access to information is simple, intuitive and integrates the life of the company with the construction of reading lists.

  • Continuous Improvement

    Follow-up of suggestions, LEAN 5S sites, TPM etc. in progress. Communication on a LEAN project to all employees has a very specific objective: to develop a culture of operational excellence. All parties involved must be able to situate themselves in relation to the project and identify their contribution to its success. Communicating well about your LEAN projects is a motivating and unifying factor.

  • Management

    Planning (goals and means), organizing (means and methods to achieve objectives), commanding (making decisions and giving directions), coordinating (actions and functions) and controlling (actions carried out and comparing results with objectives) are the actions you can carry out with SESAHUB.

  • Training

    The effectiveness of LEAN approaches and the significant gains resulting from them are attested by many companies. SESAHUB provides 17 rapid training modules (5S, SMED, KAIZEN etc...) to improve the skills of employees in the company. The training modules help to identify possible areas of improvement in your company.

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The universal web platform

Thanks to all these modules, SESAHUB allows to aggregate all the flows that are exchanged in real time with the production actors. The collection of production chain data on SESAHUB allows to visualize a communication of production monitoring indicators and others in real time. This Digital Visual Management in the production sites is carried out by digital screens connected to an internal or external network.

SESAHUB also means taking advantage of more than 30 years of SESA SYSTEMS' know-how.


How to follow your production in real time?

When connected to your production machine, SESA-MES analyzes in a detailed way the global performances of the production tools with indicators. SESA-MES works in real time and eliminates manual readings. The information allows you to anticipate the results and make quick decisions.


Key points of the SESA MES solution

  • The simplest solution to automatically generate complete production reports.

    You will have at your disposal data tables as well as all kinds of curves to illustrate your various reports.

  • A non-intrusive solution that doesn't disrupt your current production

    The implementation of the SESA MES solution does not require any intrusion into your production line. It is not necessary to connect the SESA MES solution to the automaton of your machine. The SESABox is completely autonomous. It only requires the connection via a standard and industrial connector of a sensor able to count your parts in order to operate. The addition of a second sensor also allows you to manage quality indicators.

  • A solution that makes it possible to standardize and compare your data from your machines whatever their type.

    The use of the SESABox on your entire machine park allows you to easily retrieve elements for comparison between your different machines. The data will be relevant and will help you to quickly identify opportunities for improving your productivity.

  • Simplified installation thanks to the SESABox and an industrial connection system.

    The SESABox is equipped with several M12 industrial connectors particularly adapted to the industrial world and allowing the quick connection of a photocell or an inductive sensor without having to provide a power supply.

  • Intuitive operator interfaces via a barcode reader or touch screen

    Quick training will allow the various operators to be operational quickly. You will also be able to easily create personalized mimic diagrams for the use of SESA MES solution.

  • Real-time monitoring screens of your production easily accessible via web pages

    The SESA MES solution will provide you with all the information you need on a daily basis in the form of a web page.

  • A complete and efficient database

    Thanks to SESA MES, benefit from a reliable, complete and powerful database

  • Easy exports

    You have the possibility to easily and quickly export any data or reports to Excel or PDF format according to your needs.

  • Import/Export from your ERP.

    SESA MES includes the possibility to automatically import and export information from your ERP.

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Industry 4.0, a glimpse of the factory of tomorrow.

Industry 4.0 represents the set of tools, processes and working methods related to the digitalisation of work. Thanks to technological advances, this digitization is in perpetual evolution and allows today for unprecedented productivity gains, speed of execution and efficiency. This system is already widely implemented in companies as the benefits are so important and provide a competitive advantage. Industry 4.0 is based on a fully connected business: robotic production workshops capable of sending production data in real time and offices or reception areas capable of receiving, displaying and updating information. Thanks to artificial intelligence, all the data is compiled and it is then possible to optimise settings to reduce costs, especially those related to losses, waste and overstock.

Discover our Industry 4.0 range!

2500 products
2500 products
8 patents and
300 novelties
2 years warranty
2 years warranty
Lasting quality and reliability
ISO 9001
ISO 9001
Quality of products and services
to fully satisfy you
50 LEAN experts
50 LEAN experts
International network of experts
LEAN tools and approaches