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LEAN tools and approaches
APPROACH is SESA SYSTEMS’ revolutionary solution for mastering training of LEAN Management and continuous improvement methods to ensure visible corporate change in a fun and collaborative way. Its e-learning platform includes group training games that facilitate engaging discovery and learning. It includes starter kits to build a pilot program to apply training principles to your company’s organization.
The APPROACH range includes eight easily-applicable topics: Projects, VSM, Visual Management, KANBAN, Problem Solving, PDCA/TPM/Suggestions, and Security and Sustainable Development. Each SESA SYSTEMS’ briefcase (in the starter kit) contains methods to be applied immediately in pilot projects. Instead of having many unproductive training meetings, these results will lead to sustainable positive habits in the LEAN approach, promoting productivity and outstanding organization.
The starter kits are comprised of magnetic accessories with visual indicators to guarantee simplicity in applying each step. Numerous companies have successfully tried and tested the starter kits and training games and report increased internal performance and productivity. This is in large part due to the detailed instructions in the easily-understood user manual. The starter kits are available in multiple languages for the pilot projects in your overseas subsidiaries. Start now and take things to the next level by using these good habits to optimize production!
APPROACH is SESA SYSTEMS’ revolutionary solution for mastering training of LEAN Management and continuous improvement methods to ensure visible corporate change in a fun and collaborative way. Its e-learning platform includes group training games that facilitate engaging discovery and learning. It includes starter kits to build a pilot program to apply training principles to your company’s organization.
The APPROACH range includes eight easily-applicable topics: Projects, VSM, Visual Management, KANBAN, Problem Solving, PDCA/TPM/Suggestions, and Security and Sustainable Development. Each SESA SYSTEMS’ briefcase (in the starter kit) contains methods to be applied immediately in pilot projects. Instead of having many unproductive training meetings, these results will lead to sustainable positive habits in the LEAN approach, promoting productivity and outstanding organization.
The starter kits are comprised of magnetic accessories with visual indicators to guarantee simplicity in applying each step. Numerous companies have successfully tried and tested the starter kits and training games and report increased internal performance and productivity. This is in large part due to the detailed instructions in the easily-understood user manual. The starter kits are available in multiple languages for the pilot projects in your overseas subsidiaries. Start now and take things to the next level by using these good habits to optimize production!