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LEAN tools and approaches
The Coronavirus (Covid-19) health crisis has made it necessary to think of social relations differently to limit the risks of the virus spreading. Indeed, the virus being very virulent and easily transmitted, it was necessary to find measures to preserve the health of all. The most important measure has been the establishment of confinement orders in several countries to reduce social gatherings. Other measures have also been taken, such as wearing a mask or regularly disinfecting your hands (either by washing them with soap and water, or with hydro alcoholic gel). In companies too, these measures have been applied so that activities can resume following the confinement. For large companies or those that are often in contact with many individuals (such as shops for example), protective walls have also been installed between offices or at the exchange areas.
Faced with this unprecedented crisis, SESA SYSTEMS wanted to offer a range of social distancing tools to help companies equip themselves and bring their premises into compliance with the new regulations. This desire is also reflected when SESA SYSTEMS became a supplier to the Protégez-vous Normand! Platform. Our range of social distancing tools includes all the recommended products to protect oneself and others from the risks of the virus spreading such as protective walls, signage on the ground, hydro alcoholic gel, disinfecting wipes, handles door, as well as protective masks and protective visors. Our hope is that these products will help you implement the recommended safety measures in your company.
Using signage to follow sanitary and safety measures in your business is a good way to start a 5S project. 5S method helps optimize the conditions, the environment and the working time through clear and rigorous organization of the workspace. Additionally, it ensures that the workspace is always tidy, clean and organized for better work efficiency.
The Coronavirus (Covid-19) health crisis has made it necessary to think of social relations differently to limit the risks of the virus spreading. Indeed, the virus being very virulent and easily transmitted, it was necessary to find measures to preserve the health of all. The most important measure has been the establishment of confinement orders in several countries to reduce social gatherings. Other measures have also been taken, such as wearing a mask or regularly disinfecting your hands (either by washing them with soap and water, or with hydro alcoholic gel). In companies too, these measures have been applied so that activities can resume following the confinement. For large companies or those that are often in contact with many individuals (such as shops for example), protective walls have also been installed between offices or at the exchange areas.
Faced with this unprecedented crisis, SESA SYSTEMS wanted to offer a range of social distancing tools to help companies equip themselves and bring their premises into compliance with the new regulations. This desire is also reflected when SESA SYSTEMS became a supplier to the Protégez-vous Normand! Platform. Our range of social distancing tools includes all the recommended products to protect oneself and others from the risks of the virus spreading such as protective walls, signage on the ground, hydro alcoholic gel, disinfecting wipes, handles door, as well as protective masks and protective visors. Our hope is that these products will help you implement the recommended safety measures in your company.
Using signage to follow sanitary and safety measures in your business is a good way to start a 5S project. 5S method helps optimize the conditions, the environment and the working time through clear and rigorous organization of the workspace. Additionally, it ensures that the workspace is always tidy, clean and organized for better work efficiency.