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LEAN tools and approaches
This “APPROACH” product line empowers teams to learn the various LEAN principles and techniques with computer-controlled games. With these entertaining tools, employees learn best practices that help optimize organization and enhance productivity. The goal is to replace bad habits with good ones and increase productivity while keeping the same workforce.
Learning and training are not always pleasant and can be inefficient. It's a fact: you learn better when you have fun. This educational principle is the basis of SESA SYSTEMS e-learning training games. We designed each game to help participants discover and work on a specific LEAN theme. This modern technique trains team members while promoting teamwork. It gives them a chance to analyze situations through the lenses of the right knowledge and to find solutions through continuous improvement methods.
The APPROACH line is composed of 12 different game boxes corresponding to different LEAN themes. It includes: Visual Management, 5S, TPM, HOSHIN method, KANBAN, LEAN Manufacturing, KAIZEN, autonomous team management, PDCA, SMED, LEAN Office and Safety. The theme depends on your professional activity and the skills you want your employees to develop. Each training game lasts from one to two and a half hour for a group of five to ten people. All participants are involved in the game, which brings teams together. To facilitate the session, game instructions are projected on a screen. A computer and a video projector are required.
Once the LEAN Management training game is over, both the company and employees will benefit. The game enables employees to explore new routes, research new options, and stimulates operators’ creativity. It encourages employees to put into practice the principles they have learned through pilot projects. To this purpose, SESA SYSTEMS can provide your company with starter kits. If you need to use LEAN TRAINING with another company department, you can keep the kit and just buy additional operating procedures. This enables you to bring this training program to a maximum of employees while keeping training costs low.
Group training games are a way to improve your employee’s knowledge and techniques. As experts in the field of continuous improvement, SESA SYSTEMS has developed LEAN training games that are easy to understand and implement on site. This APPROACH product line is a pedagogical training system dedicated to building camaraderie among team members.
This method uses educational games to improve group training. In each e-learning training, one person is chosen to play the trainer, who becomes the illustrator, and who then opens the app on the company computer. He then follows the steps on the screen as in a classical e-learning workshop. Each group is comprised of five to ten people and works together to solve problems and reach objectives in each game.
It is fun and requires users to develop new skills through acting. All trainings will fit in the company's training budget. The APPROACH range and LEAN method games are complementary to each other. Each training game is connected to a LEAN subject. The main goal is to establish new methods of approaching problem solving and promote continuous improvement in your company. The e-learning training games use 5S methods to create a neat, organized and functional environment. The methods of TPM, HOSHIN, KANBAN, KAIZEN, and SMED improve other work aspects. Security, autonomy and problem solving by the PDCA are incorporated at all levels in every game. There are also training modules that encompass global LEAN topics, such as LEAN office, LEAN Manufacturing or Visual Management. Group training games are a powerful teaching method for professionals.
Group training games are a way to improve your employee’s knowledge and techniques. As experts in the field of continuous improvement, SESA SYSTEMS has developed LEAN training games that are easy to understand and implement on site. This APPROACH product line is a pedagogical training system dedicated to building camaraderie among team members.
This method uses educational games to improve group training. In each e-learning training, one person is chosen to play the trainer, who becomes the illustrator, and who then opens the app on the company computer. He then follows the steps on the screen as in a classical e-learning workshop. Each group is comprised of five to ten people and works together to solve problems and reach objectives in each game.
It is fun and requires users to develop new skills through acting. All trainings will fit in the company's training budget. The APPROACH range and LEAN method games are complementary to each other. Each training game is connected to a LEAN subject. The main goal is to establish new methods of approaching problem solving and promote continuous improvement in your company. The e-learning training games use 5S methods to create a neat, organized and functional environment. The methods of TPM, HOSHIN, KANBAN, KAIZEN, and SMED improve other work aspects. Security, autonomy and problem solving by the PDCA are incorporated at all levels in every game. There are also training modules that encompass global LEAN topics, such as LEAN office, LEAN Manufacturing or Visual Management. Group training games are a powerful teaching method for professionals.
APPROACH is SESA SYSTEMS’ revolutionary solution for mastering training of LEAN Management and continuous improvement methods to ensure visible corporate change in a fun and collaborative way. Its e-learning platform includes group training games that facilitate engaging discovery and learning. It includes starter kits to build a pilot program to apply training principles to your company’s organization.
The APPROACH range includes eight easily-applicable topics: Projects, VSM, Visual Management, KANBAN, Problem Solving, PDCA/TPM/Suggestions, and Security and Sustainable Development. Each SESA SYSTEMS’ briefcase (in the starter kit) contains methods to be applied immediately in pilot projects. Instead of having many unproductive training meetings, these results will lead to sustainable positive habits in the LEAN approach, promoting productivity and outstanding organization.
The starter kits are comprised of magnetic accessories with visual indicators to guarantee simplicity in applying each step. Numerous companies have successfully tried and tested the starter kits and training games and report increased internal performance and productivity. This is in large part due to the detailed instructions in the easily-understood user manual. The starter kits are available in multiple languages for the pilot projects in your overseas subsidiaries. Start now and take things to the next level by using these good habits to optimize production!
APPROACH is SESA SYSTEMS’ revolutionary solution for mastering training of LEAN Management and continuous improvement methods to ensure visible corporate change in a fun and collaborative way. Its e-learning platform includes group training games that facilitate engaging discovery and learning. It includes starter kits to build a pilot program to apply training principles to your company’s organization.
The APPROACH range includes eight easily-applicable topics: Projects, VSM, Visual Management, KANBAN, Problem Solving, PDCA/TPM/Suggestions, and Security and Sustainable Development. Each SESA SYSTEMS’ briefcase (in the starter kit) contains methods to be applied immediately in pilot projects. Instead of having many unproductive training meetings, these results will lead to sustainable positive habits in the LEAN approach, promoting productivity and outstanding organization.
The starter kits are comprised of magnetic accessories with visual indicators to guarantee simplicity in applying each step. Numerous companies have successfully tried and tested the starter kits and training games and report increased internal performance and productivity. This is in large part due to the detailed instructions in the easily-understood user manual. The starter kits are available in multiple languages for the pilot projects in your overseas subsidiaries. Start now and take things to the next level by using these good habits to optimize production!
This “APPROACH” product line empowers teams to learn the various LEAN principles and techniques with computer-controlled games. With these entertaining tools, employees learn best practices that help optimize organization and enhance productivity. The goal is to replace bad habits with good ones and increase productivity while keeping the same workforce.
Learning and training are not always pleasant and can be inefficient. It's a fact: you learn better when you have fun. This educational principle is the basis of SESA SYSTEMS e-learning training games. We designed each game to help participants discover and work on a specific LEAN theme. This modern technique trains team members while promoting teamwork. It gives them a chance to analyze situations through the lenses of the right knowledge and to find solutions through continuous improvement methods.
The APPROACH line is composed of 12 different game boxes corresponding to different LEAN themes. It includes: Visual Management, 5S, TPM, HOSHIN method, KANBAN, LEAN Manufacturing, KAIZEN, autonomous team management, PDCA, SMED, LEAN Office and Safety. The theme depends on your professional activity and the skills you want your employees to develop. Each training game lasts from one to two and a half hour for a group of five to ten people. All participants are involved in the game, which brings teams together. To facilitate the session, game instructions are projected on a screen. A computer and a video projector are required.
Once the LEAN Management training game is over, both the company and employees will benefit. The game enables employees to explore new routes, research new options, and stimulates operators’ creativity. It encourages employees to put into practice the principles they have learned through pilot projects. To this purpose, SESA SYSTEMS can provide your company with starter kits. If you need to use LEAN TRAINING with another company department, you can keep the kit and just buy additional operating procedures. This enables you to bring this training program to a maximum of employees while keeping training costs low.