Showcase your best products in a glass display case

Why choose to install Glass Showcases rather than Classic Cabinets?
If your business has walk in customers, suppliers, or general visitors, it’s essential that you have the best image for your establishment. It’s particularly necessary to have clean, tidy, and well-organized facilities. This can be done through the 5S method and to convey the image of a well-ordered company.
It’s also important to always highlight high performing products; products that the company is most proud of and will spark the majority of interest of visitors. With this in mind, it’s better to use a glass display case to demo products.
The use of glass display cases also has a second intention, that of being visual. The promotion of visual management is optimal through the use of this type of hardware. You are immediately aware of the content of your windows and if you are looking for a binder or a specific product, you no longer waste your time looking for where it is stored because you spot it immediately.
SESA Systems Glass Display Cases: The Perfect Solution to Display Your Products
At SESA Systems, we have sought the best solution to showcase our products when we present them to our customers. This is why we quickly thought of the glass display cases that we also use in our showroom.
We have developed several models depending on what you want to display and where you want to display it. Thus, we offer you display cases of different sizes and different shapes. Display Case D has a triangular shape allowing it to slip into a corner and optimize available space. The Defpost200 model is a free-standing display case which is also available in a wall version. The white sheet metal back cover can also accommodate various magnetic accessories. Display Case A has an opaque compartment for storing more confidential documents. Additionally, our display cases can be locked for added security. Whatever your needs are, we can fulfill them.
The glass display case, a product that allows to apply the 5S method
The 5S method is a Japanese approach to optimizing the workspace based on 5 pillars: Seiri (Eliminate), Seiton (Tidy), Seiso (Clean), Seiketsu (Standardize) and Shitsuke (Respect). The general idea is that it is more pleasant and easier to work in a clean, tidy and well organized environment where everything is in its place. In the case of glass display cases, putting products or documents away and always having them in view helps to keep the work or business environment orderly and not waste time finding what you are looking for.
The 5S method is part of the different LEAN methods that can be applied to register your company in a LEAN Management approach.