Perforated panels for Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

In your company, and more particularly in the production chain, maintenance is an essential mission: the company's profitability depends on it. Operators have to ensure that machines are working properly, that they are being maintained and that they can react quickly in the event of a breakdown. For maintenance to be effective, operators must have the right tools and facilities to carry out their tasks.
Perforated panels for an organized, clean and rational workspace
In your company, particularly in the production chain, maintenance is important when it comes to the profitability of the company. Operators must ensure the proper functioning of machines and must react quickly in the event of a breakdown. For continuous improvement and an efficient TPM method, operators must therefore have the right tools and facilities to work on their tasks.
The perforated panel is an efficient and suitable tool for TPM maintenance. Located near the machine, the perforated wall panel allows employees to have quick and immediate access to the tools to work in good working conditions and meet daily tasks for preventive maintenance. The perforated tool-holder panel , in its wall-mounted version, saves space, especially if you have little floor space. A version of the tool-holder panel on feet moves better with the help of a wheel to respond more generally to 1st level maintenance in your workshop.
Easy to install in production, this perforated storage system offers operators a simple and functional organization: for the correct functioning of this tool, it is important to follow instructions on the 5S principle, for efficiency. Depending on your workstation and the type of weekly intervention, the perforated storage panels may contain different tools.
Characteristics and uses of perforated panels in industry
To help with the organization process, you can identify each industrial perforated panel for tools using a warning banner. The grooved aluminum frame also allows the addition of accessories such as document holders to provide your teams with all the instructions and procedures. The implementation of all these elements makes you part of a visual management approach. All our perforated bottoms have a center distance of 38 mm to fix our universal hooks, shelves, holders for keys and drills or even rail for storage bins to organize your panel very easily. We therefore offer several versions : perforated magnetic sheet panel without doors, with transparent PMMA doors or even stainless steel tool-holder workstations with watertight PMMA doors for demanding industrial environments.
Because of the magnetic base, you can attach universal magnetic tool holders to it or clearly identify your fittings by type of tool using magnetic titles. The PMMA doors fitted with a key lock ensure a tidy, clean and secure working environment by limiting access to all. It also helps you see what hardware you need and if all the tools are available and in their place quickly.
How to optimize the storage of your tools using a perforated panel?
For a high-performance perforated panel, first identify all the tools you need: then choose the different supports and hooks suitable for each tool.
We then recommend to allocate a place for each tool and to identify them using the technique of "shadow board". To do this, use our colored magnetic plates, cut them according to the shape of the objects on your panel then place them where they should be. This will allow you to systematically put each tool in its place and quickly spot things like missing tools on the perforated panel. With this trick, you will avoid losing your equipment and noticing it late. This also helps you in applying 5S in your workshop and to mobilize your teams to be vigilant. The perforated storage panel, if properly constructed, allows permanent and quick access to various tools and small parts. The time wasted searching is eliminated: your employees will become more efficient because of TPM which will increase your profitability.
To go further, you can directly identify your tools using colored adhesive strips: for each perforated panel. This will make it easier for you to spot a lost tool or a borrowed tool, and to know in which zone, island or panel it belongs to so you can put it back in its place.
These customizable perforated storage place your tools more effectively. Using SESA SYSTEMS accessories and recommendations, save time and become more efficient during your daily preventive maintenance.