How to develop the Kanban method?
What is the Kanban method?
This approach is an addition to project management and allows better management of work between team members. It guarantees better organisation, since this method is often implemented on a table where each column contains a number of previously defined tasks. The aim is therefore to simplify the use of staff time while making the work flow more fluid. The method avoids work overload and helps to improve the quality of working life. This system encourages leadership, the aim being that each employee can contribute his or her expertise to improve the way products/services are delivered.
Several benefits arise with the Kanban method:
- Easier selection and prioritisation of tasks
- Greater transparency on the project
- Focus on workflow and service performance.
- Increased problem solving and decision-making capacity.
- Improved communication between teams
- Better adaptation to changes.
Why use the Kanban method?
First of all, this method is rooted in the continuous improvement approach. The aim of the Kanban method is to base the production system on demand. Kanban is closely related to the Just-in-Time system. This system is added to other agile methods such as Scrum or TPM.
There are several additional benefits:
- Avoids overproduction.
- Limits storage costs
- Can improve processes as they go along.
- Enables a product defect to be quickly corrected or a problem in the production line to be resolved.
The Kanban method is an agile method, which can be applied in several forms. The best known and most used are Scrum and Kanban.
For the Kanban method, there are several basic principles:
- Start from where you left off, respecting a precise order.
- Respect the current process, roles, and responsibilities.
- Change in an evolutionary way.
- Have leadership at all levels.
How to use the Kanban method?
The implementation of this agile method does not require big changes during the implementation, Kanban must be applied to the current workflow. Accepting small gradual changes is essential, as this system allows teams to keep the same organisational functioning. In order to implement Kanban, it is necessary to invest in supports such as magnetic boards that allow the display of different accessories such as batch boxes.
An agile method brings changes, particularly concerning meetings. When this system is put in place, "daily meetings" are set up, which are small meetings that take place every morning.
In these meetings, all the team members answer questions such as:
- What did I do yesterday?
- What will I do today?
- What are the obstacles I might encounter?
These meetings allow employees to be informed of each other's tasks, which can encourage mutual support.
What are the steps to implement Kanban project management?
- Visualise the workflow. This can be done on a physical board but also on a connected board.
- Limit the number of jobs in progress.
- Manage the workflow. The aim is to look at the intermediate steps and see how long the jobs stay in these "handover steps". As time goes on, the workflow of the teams will become more and more fluid and foreseeable.
- Make processes explicit. To make processes explicit, a shared baseline must be created that allows each employee to know when and how to perform which task.
- Set up feedback loops. It is important to provide regular feedback, as this helps to avoid major mistakes and to ensure that projects are carried out in the best possible way.
- Improve collaboration.
The main task of this agile method is to constantly evaluate your process and improve it on a regular basis.
SESA SYSTEMS offers a range of products related to the Kanban and its implementation. Some of these products are magnetic and can therefore be placed on magnetic boards. Others have an adhesive attachment like the LEANFLASH BOXPLAN. The Kanban method is a good solution to implement the digital transformation of companies for example. It allows to better understand the different changes inherent to the transition between traditional and digital methods. Discover our range of connected screens such as the E-MEETING or the E-LEANBOARD which are part of the digital transformation, and which will help you to digitalize the KANBAN method.